viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Price cues

Price cues are tactics used by brands to persuade customers to buy the product. Price cues, as the name says, afects the price of the product and aims to make it more atractive for the customer  than other brand´s. When a person is going to make a purchase the decission making process is the last step so it is very important to price well the product. This is used when products are purchased not very frecuently and when consumers don´t have much knowedge of the product.
Some ways of making the price atractive is by odd number discount perceptions, ending prices in 0 or 5 and "left to right" pricing (pricing a product on 0.99$ instead than on 1$). Left to right pricing affects the perception of the customer and gives him the impresion of being cheaper.

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